Version: 1.2
Azure Storage Steps
Rundeck, Inc.

Provides a connection with Azure Storage to list/get/put Azure blobs and synchronize folders from a storage account.

This python plugin provides a connection with Azure Storage to list/get/put Azure blobs and synchronize folders from a storage account.


Build with ./gradlew build and copy the build/lib/ to $RDECK_BASE/libext folder


The plugin is written in python and requires azure-storage-blob and python-magic modules to be installed on the Rundeck server or remote nodes (depending where the Rundeck jobs will be executed)

The modules can be installed with the following command:

pip install python-magic
pip install azure-storage-blob

List commands

Remote commands (can run on remote nodes)

  • Azure / Storage / Remote Copy: Copies a remote file or Azure Storage Object to another location or in Azure Storage. To reference an Azure container use the following URI pattern: azure://path or azure://path/file.ext
  • Azure / Storage / Remote Syncs: Syncs directories with Azure Storage. . To reference an Azure container use the following URI pattern: azure://path or azure://path/file.ext

Local commands (commands that only runs on the Rundeck server)

  • Azure / Storage / List Blobs: List Azure Storage blobs and common prefixes under a prefix or all Azure Storage.
  • Azure / Storage / Remove Blobs: Deletes an Azure Storage blob from a container


If you get an authentication error on remote nodes, make sure that you add the following entry on /etc/ssh/sshd_configin order to pass the RD_* variables from Rundeck server to the remote nodes:

AcceptEnv RD_*